PLO is a poker game that has gained much traction in recent years, so its increasing presence in a live cash game environment shouldn't be a surprise.
Since even dedicated grinders occasionally visit a local poker game, we decided to write a few words about what to expect from live PLO games.
What to expect? Here's what you should know before your first PLO game in a casino (you will like what you're about to see if you come properly prepared).

Live Pot Limit Omaha is looser than online
This is true even though live PLO is sometimes played eight or even nine-handed, opposite to the 6-max you might be accustomed to. As in Texas Hold'em, the increased number of players changes the proper ranges, which should be tighter, so the optimal ranges to play will differ slightly from the 6-max ones.
As you might suspect, the reality is very far from the theory, as the average live pot limit game is much looser than its online counterpart. Live games are similar to micro stakes online; both regulars and recreational players are unwilling to adapt since it's harder to spot obvious mistakes.
Additionally, poker players tend to be less patient in a live environment due to the slow nature of the game. As a result, people in live poker games tend to play much more splashy, overvaluing double-suited hands and entering big pots with marginal holdings. The games are often not played exclusively PLO4, as Five Card Omaha is getting more and more recognition, promising even more action.
Live Pot Limit Omaha requires patience
The game's high variance and the people's immense willingness to gamble are an explosive mix, resulting in crazy live Omaha Games. It's worth underlining that many PLO Games play out much higher than their limit suggests. Therefore, preparing your bankroll for a bigger buy-in than you usually would is a good idea.
Also, double-check the exact rules of the game you're about to play since many live PLO players have a very loose approach, and they love to include forced bets, including multiple straddles (since big blind and small blind are rarely enough).
On the other hand, during your first contact with a live PLO, you might consider buying in short since it is easier to realize your equity by capitalizing on other people's mistakes. It's a good strategy for a start, allowing you to learn the game's dynamics cheaply. It might not be the most fun, but it should be a profitable approach if you have a basic understanding of the game.
Paying attention to what's going on is your number one task
Live Pot Limit Omaha Games might seem chaotic unless you're an experienced live grinder. Almost every pot played will be multiway since people hate folding without seeing community cards. Quite often, different players will have different stack sizes, which will heavily influence your strategy, forcing you to pay close attention to what's happening.
Observe and find out: Who's splashy and who's not? Who plays every other hand preflop and has no idea how to evaluate their hand? Many inexperienced players believe they should play more when they have more hole cards. As a result, they lack the discipline that live Pot Limit Omaha requires.
Many players used to online dynamics wonder how they are supposed to win if almost nobody's folding.
The remedy is simple: you must play tight and be patient. While it may look counterintuitive to fold mediocre hands with such great pot odds created by all the people already in the pot, you must be aware that while your pot odds are better, the reversed pot odds are much higher than usual. As a result, the relative strength of your hand needs to be much higher than in a regular No-Limit Holdem cash game.
Whenever you find yourself at a loose and call-happy table, you must rely on hands that do well in multiways. Therefore, you should often play only the hands that can make the nuts. Whenever you're in multiway, you should aim for flopping a top set, a wrap, or a nut flush draw. While it's not the most finesse strategy, your opponents likely will not care much and will pay you off anyway whenever you hit.
Most importantly, do not get attached to your overpairs and subpar draws and sets, as they will likely hurt you.
Overall, remember that live games are very low-level, but you have to respect their dynamics, and there's no way around it.

PLO Trainer is always a helpful guideline
But you should not take its advice for granted in live games. While poker tools like PLO Genius will help you understand which Omaha hands to raise and which to call in certain situations, you must adjust your knowledge to what's happening around you since some PLO 6-max online concepts do not translate well to a live environment.
It will take time, discipline, and patience to master live dynamics, but it will be worth it, as live PLO games are usually the best in the room.